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The Malua Bay Rural Fire Brigade area of 28 square kilometres lies on the Eurobodalla coast south of Batemans Bay.  Broadly, it encloses the coastal urban communities of Lilli Pilli, Malua Bay, Rosedale and Guerilla Bay, and the rural residential areas served by Burri and Ridge Roads.  Dunns Creek Road is its western boundary. 


Neighbouring brigades are Surf Beach in the north, Mogo to the west and Broulee in the south.


The area is generally hilly with good road access.  Reflecting the wide variety of land uses, vegetation in the area ranges from streetscapes to scrub to forest.  As well as residual forest areas on rural properties, 600 hectares of Mogo State Forest lies on the Brigade’s western boundary. 


The Brigade area has almost 4,000 ratepayers, many being absentee landholders with holiday cottages or land awaiting building construction.  Approximately 30% of the area is urban and the population more than trebles in the summer holiday period.


The Malua Bay Rural Fire Brigade’s members are all volunteers, operating under the Rural Fires Act and a NSW government agency, the Rural Fire Service.Membership in recent years has varied from 30 to 40 and draws from a huge range of skills and experience within the community.


Because the range of land uses in the area, from forest to urban, the Malua Bay Brigade is classified as an “urban interface” brigade.  Therefore, almost all types of fires are expected, both bushfire and structural fire.  Other emergency response activities will include motor vehicle accidents, power line failures, storm damage, search and rescue, often in conjunction with other emergency response agencies.


The Brigade actively assists landowners with fuel reduction activity using fire, whether broad area burns or pile burns and it is an excellent source of advice for landowners, rural or urban, who wish to improve their property’s safety from bushfire.



For general advice on your Bush Fire Survival Plan go to the RFS website:


Download the “Hazards near me” app on your mobile phone to monitor fires or be alerted to fires in the area.

Another great app is: “My Fire Plan” which gives you a fantastic model to base you Bush Fire Survival Plan on. These can be downloaded on either Apple Play Store or Google Play.



1st September to 31 March is the Bushfire Danger Period with no Fires without a permit in the Eurobodalla Council District.


This period may vary depending on conditions, so check the current danger period using these buttons.


After the 2019/2020 fires in Eurobodalla and NSW, we are reminded that bush fires are natural occurrences in Australia but not many people are prepared or have a plan.  


If a fire does occur in your area, you will be required to make important decisions with limited options - please don’t leave it too late. For more information on your survival plan, click these buttons.



  • Clear debris from your roof and gutters and excess garden material such as overhanging shrubs and woodchips from the walls of your house

  • Replace missing roof parts, fit metal gutter guard and block openings into your roof space

  • Enclose under floor areas, remove combustible materials such as firewood and keep lawn areas trimmed

  • Store flammable items and firewood away from the house

  • Consider metal fly wire or screens on window openings

  • A solid high boundary fence, preferably non combustible, reduces radiant heat

  • Ensure the pressure relief valve on LPG cylinders face outward

  • If you have a water tank, dam or swimming pool, consider installing a Static Water Supply (SWS) sign


If you are planning to burn a broad area i.e. not a pile burn (see below), you must contact the Moruya RFS office on Ph: 4474 2855

If you are planning a pile burn, before you light up:

  • Firstly, particularly if you are in a residential area, check Eurobodalla Shire Council's Clean Air Act policy (USE THE COUNCIL GUIDLINES button)

  • At any time of year you must, 24 hours beforehand

    • notify the RFS, best done on line (USE THE NOTIFY RFS ONLINE button)

    • notify your neighbours

  • During the Bush Fire Danger Period, usually 1st September to 31st March, additionally you must obtain a Fire Permit (USE THE RFS FIRE PERMIT button)or available locally (see Contact page)

If you need advice or assistance ring a Brigade representative (see Contact page)


If you live in bush fire prone area, you need to prepare your home for possible fire. The 10/50 Scheme gives people living in bush fire zones additional ways to prepare for bush fires.


In its simplest form, people in  designated areas can:

  1. Clear trees on their property within 10 metres of a home, without seeking approval.

  2. Clear underlying vegetation such as shrubs (but not trees) on their property within 50 metres of a home, without seeking approval.

But it is important to understand the detail of the rules


The Malua Bay Rural Fire brigade welcomes donations from the public. Your donation will be used to purchase equipment, deliver improvements to station facilities, or for our members' welfare. Any donations will help us protect you, your family, and your assets.


If you require a receipt, any Donation of $2 or more is tax-deductible for Australian residents and will be used for equipment purchases or capital improvements. If you do not require a receipt, your donation, in addition to the above purposes, can also be used by the brigade for things such as social functions aimed at improving our members' welfare.


Please choose one of the following methods to make a donation:

1. If you do not require a receipt, you can transfer money to our Malua Bay CBA Brigade Social Account BSB 062650, Account Number 1002 6814. To let us know you have made a donation please email us at These donations can be used for our members' welfare.

2. If you do not require a receipt, but you would prefer your donation to be used for equipment purchases or capital improvements, you can transfer money to our CBA Operations Account BSB 062650, Account Number 00900077. Please email us to let us know that you have made a donation.

3. If you require a receipt, donations can be made to Our Westpac Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR) Account BSB 032001 Account Number 171174. Please email us providing your details for a receipt. These donations will be used for equipment or capital improvements.


4. Click on the below button, you will be to be taken to the RFS NSW Brigades Donations page, select Malua Bay as the brigade you wish to donate to using the dropdown button. A system-generated receipt will be emailed to you. These donations will be used for equipment purchases or capital improvements and go directly to our DGR account.

5. Donations made by cheque can be posted to our P O Box 2040, Malua Bay 2536. Let us know if you need a receipt.

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